[racket] streams, recursion and running out of memory

From: Joe Gilray (jgilray at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Feb 20 20:19:02 EST 2012


I created an infinite stream of primes (using this interesting article:

I tried to create a prime-pi function:

  (define (prime-pi n)
    (let loop-count ([candidate-stream prime-stream])
      (if (> (stream-first candidate-stream) n)
          (+ (loop-count (stream-rest candidate-stream)) 1))))

(prime-pi 500000) grinds and runs out of memory

But this little cludge makes it run just fine:

  (define (prime-pi n)
    (stream-ref prime-stream (inexact->exact (* 0.1 n)))  ; cludge added to
get the stream to pre-create enough primes
    (let loop-count ([candidate-stream prime-stream])
      (if (> (stream-first candidate-stream) n)
          (+ (loop-count (stream-rest candidate-stream)) 1))))

What am I not understanding?

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