[racket] Challenge: Game of life in 140 chars

From: SF (sf.rom17 at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Feb 20 00:21:11 EST 2012

> Here's a 136-character version (after unnecessary spaces are removed):
> (define (life s)
>  (let* ((a bitwise-and)
>         (s (bitwise-ior (* s #x111000101000111/10000000) s)))
>    (a (* (a (- -1 s) (* s 4)) 3/32)
>       (/ (- (expt 8 48) 1) 15))))
> -- Jeremiah Willcock

That doesn't work! The glider test breaks after a few generations.

But your concept is better than mine. Here's 132 chars, note the
number shortening trick:

(define(j s)
  (let c([n(expt 8 48)])
    (+(if(memv(modulo(floor(/(* s #e#x11100018.1000111)n))16)'(3 10 11))n 0)
      (if(= n 1)0(c(/ n 16))))))

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