[racket] Style mistakes (was: static variables question)

From: Joe Gilray (jgilray at gmail.com)
Date: Sun Feb 19 21:33:40 EST 2012

I love it!

Ron Paul Middle school, 2024, Ms. Anderson's 5th grade:

"But Teacher, when I ran 'StyleNazi' like you told us to, it just came back
   'here's a phone card, call your mother...' "


On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 6:10 PM, Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:

> 20 minutes ago, Rodolfo Carvalho wrote:
> > It is possible to replace a pattern like this:
> >
> > (cond
> >    [..a..]
> >    [else (cond
> >                [..b..]
> >                ...)])
> >
> > With this simpler:
> >
> > (cond
> >    [..a..]
> >    [..b..]
> >     ...)
> Speaking about such transformations and about things like (if E #t #f),
> I have some code which I run against student submissions to find style
> problems like these, and using syntax transformations means that it's
> easy to make it actually suggest the transformation.  For example,
> feeding it this code:
>  (define (foo x y)
>    (cond [(< x y)
>           (printf "~s is smaller than ~s\n" x
>                   y)]
>          [else (cond [(> x y) (printf "~s is bigger than ~s" x
>                                       y)]
>                      [else (printf "They are ~a\n"
>                                    (if (if (eq? x y) #f #t)
>                                        "identical"
>                                    "equal"))])]))
> produces this annotated printout:
>  (define (foo x y)
>    (cond [(< x y)
>           (printf "~s is smaller than ~s\n" x
>  ;;>                                        A
>  ;;> (A) this expression (and the rest) should be on a separate line (or
>  ;;>     make the whole `printf' fit on one line)
>                   y)]
>          [else (cond [(> x y) (printf "~s is bigger than ~s" x
>  ;;>           A              B
>  ;;> (A) flatten this into the surrounding `cond'
>  ;;> (B) make this form fit on one line, or put it on a separate line
>                                       y)]
>                      [else (printf "They are ~a\n"
>                                    (if (if (eq? x y) #f #t)
>  ;;>                                   A
>  ;;> (A) `if' not needed, just use (not (eq? x y))
>                                        "identical"
>                                    "equal"))])]))
>  ;;>                               A
>  ;;> (A) misleading "flat" indentation
> Actually, there's a few more things it prints -- it's not intended to
> be used without a human going over its output.  In case someone is
> interested in such a project I can send out the code.  It could even
> make a cute drracket tool that criticizes your code...
> --
>          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
>                    http://barzilay.org/                   Maze is Life!
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