[racket] deceptive perfomance for typed racket in integer division
On 12/11/2012 09:59 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 11:43 AM, daniel rupis
>> I am using racket from the console, not using DrRacket. I just copy the code
>> with control-c and paste with control-v then wait a seconds for the definitions
>> to be loaded in memory and then run the test.
>> I was going to use raco exce ... but it asks about a module (perhaps I should
>> read the section about using raco to generate a standalone executable).
> To get the best performance from Racket, and in general for other
> benefits of Racket, code should be written in a module. Most
> straightforwardly, this means placing it in a file with `#lang
> racket/base` at the top, and then running that file with `racket
> filename.rkt`.
I've had good success running DrRacket and selecting "No debugging or
profiling" and deselecting "Preserve stacktrace" in the Language dialog.
Most of the time, I get performance similar to command-line Racket. I
think the only significant difference between running a module in that
environment and running it using command-line Racket is that in
DrRacket, GC pauses tend to be longer because there's a larger heap.
Of course, if you're serious about comparing with another language, you
should use the command line.
Neil ⊥