[racket] Math library ready for testing

From: Hendrik Boom (hendrik at topoi.pooq.com)
Date: Fri Dec 7 17:14:29 EST 2012

On Fri, Dec 07, 2012 at 01:33:22PM -0700, Neil Toronto wrote:
>   Also, I've been considering allowing negative axis numbers and row
>   indexes. Need feedback on how helpful it would be vs. confusing and
>   error-hiding.

The last big matrix library I've been in any way associated with was 
Torrix, a library for Algol 68.  The convention that they used there was 
that matrices had infinitely many rows and columns, indexed by the 
integers, but that all but a finite number of entries were zero.  This 
operations on what the user thought of as 7x7 matrices acted as if they 
were infinite-extent matrices instead.  The difference came in the ease 
which which they could handle matrices of different sizes (even with 
different index origins) in a semantically simple way.  That apparently 
was appreciated by its users, though I might have considered some of 
these machinations to be usefully reported as type violations.

-- hendrik

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