[racket] color does not match like other structs
> This came up perhaps a year ago; I'm writing about pattern matching with the
> color struct that comes with 2htdp/image. It is inconsistent with struct
> matching generally.
> In the following excerpt, bar and baz are fine, but foo (commented out)
> causes an error (match: color does not refer to a structure definition):
Although it doesn't appear to be documented, the color structure can
be found in mrlib/image-core. So you can do this:
#lang racket
(require (except-in 2htdp/image color)
(only-in mrlib/image-core color))
(match (make-color 3 4 5)
([struct color (r g b a)]
I think part of what was interfering with what you were doing earlier
is that the 'color' structure isn't exposed as a structure in
2htdp/image, but instead is exposed as a HTDP-level primitive.
Good luck!