[racket] Need help with running racket from the command-line

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Sun Aug 19 19:00:00 EDT 2012

Probably submodules are a better way to accomplish the larger goal of
what you're doing here (you'd put the call to 'echo' in, say, a main
submodule), but just in case they aren't, here's the precise
commandline you need:

$ racket -t echo.rkt -l racket/base -e '(echo 1)'

Although you'd successfully exported "echo" to a place where a "-e"
command-line argument can find it, you'd not exported a notion of
function application. Adding -l racket/base exports racket's notion of
function application.


On Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 5:42 PM, Rouben Rostamian <rostamian at umbc.edu> wrote:
> I am having difficulty in interpreting Racket's command-line
> options described in the User Guide.  Please help if you can.
> I want to do something like this:
>    racket -t echo.rkt -e '(echo "hi")'
> The file echo.rkt (which is given at the end of this message)
> is a module that provides a function "echo" which simply prints
> its argument to the terminal.
> I expect the Unix command
>    racket -t echo.rkt -e '(echo "hi")'
> to print "hi" to the terminal and exit.  But it doesn't; it complains
> about an unbound identifier.  This is Racket v5.1.3, if it matters.
> Here is the content of the file echo.rkt:
> ;; echo.rkt ------------
> #lang racket
> (provide echo)
> (define (echo x)
>   (display x)
>   (newline))
> ;; end of echo.rkt -----
> --
> Rouben Rostamian
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