[racket] WeScheme updates from the summer

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at hashcollision.org)
Date: Thu Aug 16 12:14:03 EDT 2012

Recent changes to WeScheme over this summer:

1.    We have an implementation of the color-coding structured error
message proposal of Guillaume Marceau et al [1].   The system is now
available on http://www.wescheme.org, and includes improvements based
on the feedback we received earlier last week.

Thanks again to the fine folks responsible for this: Michael Rowland,
Andrew Tian, and Daniel Kocoj.

2.  The server-side compilation web service is now hosted on Amazon
EC2 servers, located on the West and East coasts of the US.  These
servers should dynamically scale with load.  With this update,
WeScheme should be more responsive and available than before.

[1] http://cs.brown.edu/~sk/Publications/Papers/Published/mfk-mind-lang-novice-inter-error-msg/

Posted on the users mailing list.