[racket] Problem or bug in specifying GUI font
Dear list members,
I'm using Windows Vista
When I create a window with a title as follows:
#lang racket/gui
;Top level window
(define main-ocr-frame (new frame%
[width 10000]
[height 10000]))
;Main title
(define title (new message%
[parent main-ocr-frame]
[font (make-object font% 40 <font-name> 'normal 'bold)]))
(send main-ocr-frame show #t);display window
It works correctly if <font-name> is any of:
but if <font-name> is any of:
Then the font size stays small and doesn't increase no matter what I
set the font size to, but as I increase the font size all that happens
is that the message label gets pushed farther and farther to the left.
Harry Spier