[racket] Redirecting inbound HTTP-schemed urls to HTTPS-schemed urls in #lang web-server with SSL
When using stateless web servlets in #lang webserver with serve/servlet:
Q: Is there a method for identifying the uri-scheme of the inbound
request and redirecting HTTP schemed uris to HTTPS scheme for SSL?
Issue 1)
Examining the (url-scheme (request-uri request)) of the request start
passed to the servlet's start function returns #f.
Issue 2)
start function is never called if an HTTP-schemed URI reached a servlet
configured with:
#:ssl? #t
#:ssl-cert (build-path "my-cert.crt")
#:ssl-key (build-path "myprivatekey.key")
instead, a
Connection error: ssl-accept/enable-break: accept failed
(error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request)
is raised on the connection thread.
[note that servlet works as expected with HTTPS-schemed URI. this is
absolutely not a PKI, certificate, or OpenSSL problem]
Thanks very much.
Here's an example demonstrating the #f value for url-scheme:
#lang web-server
(provide/contract (start (request? . -> . response?)))
(define (start request)
(printf "url-scheme is ~A\n" (url-scheme (request-uri request)))
`(html (head (title "Hello world!"))
(body (p "Hi Jay")))))
(require web-server/servlet-env)
(serve/servlet start
#:stateless? #t
#:launch-browser? #f
#:connection-close? #t
#:quit? #f
#:listen-ip #f
#:servlet-path "/")
>> url-scheme is #f