[racket] Need some help for my first real experiment with scheme

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at cs.wpi.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 18 16:09:15 EDT 2012

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Pedro <pedro100 at gmail.com> wrote:
> So to put it in a simple way, I need to tokenize all my data and
> create an index which I load into memory...?
> Is this how it is usually done? For example, does my browser (firefox)
> keep an index of all the words present in urls and page titles on
> memory at any given time?

Yes; features like "autocomplete" use data structures to index and
quickly retrieve matches.  For example, tries or suffix trees allow
for quick searches given partial keywords.  There's a question on
Stack Overflow that talks about this:


I recently refreshed my suffix trees implementation with scribbled
documentation (http://planet.racket-lang.org/package-source/dyoo/suffixtree.plt/1/2/planet-docs/manual/index.html).

I do I need to make a revised release that does not produce a spurious
error message at compile-time; my apologies for that.

The library might come in handy.  For example:

> (require (planet dyoo/suffixtree:1:2))
> (define tree (make-tree))
> (tree-add! tree (string->label "apple sauce"))
> (tree-add! tree (string->label "fruit juice"))
> (tree-add! tree (string->label "mango"))

At this point, we can ask the tree if a substring exists in any suffix
of the strings we've added to the tree:

> (tree-contains? tree (string->label "juic"))
> (tree-contains? tree (string->label "moo"))

We can augment the suffix tree structure so that we can pick out the
original terms that matched the given substring.  It shouldn't be too
bad, though it'll take a little more work.

Posted on the users mailing list.