[racket] Status of the Allegro bindings?

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at cs.wpi.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 13 13:17:29 EDT 2012

I could have sworn I remember seeing a binding to the Allegro game
programming library on PLaneT.

However, grepping for the word "allegro" on the main PLaneT page, or
the word "game", for that matter, doesn't come up with much.

... Ah, Google to the rescue.  I do see Allegro 5 bindings here on github:


and I've been able to find the bindings on PLaneT:


Without Google, though, I don't think I'd be able to find the link to
this package.  Is there a reason why it's not showing up on the main
PLaneT package list anymore?  Thanks!

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