[racket] display problem

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at cs.wpi.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 6 13:50:24 EDT 2012

On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 1:38 PM, Danny Yoo <dyoo at cs.wpi.edu> wrote:
>> Oke,
>> Back to the beginning.
>> In the text is noted.
>> (define-struct editor (pre post))
>> ; Editor = (make-editor String String)
>> ; interp. (make-editor s t) means the text in the editor is
>> ; (string-append s t) with the cursor displayed between s and t
>> So for aaaaa| s has the value of aaaaa en t has the value of ""
>> For aaaaa|aaa s  I think s has the value of aaaaa and t has the value of aaa
> Yes, much better.  Be a bit more specific.  Rather than say that
> something has the value aaaaa, it's a bit better to be consistent
> about what things are strings by putting quotes "aaaaa".

But to be clear, by examples of data, use code rather than prose: it will help.

When you say:

     So for aaaaa| s has the value of aaaaa and t has the value of ""

this is still a bit too informal in the place where you should be formal.


    So for aaaaa|,   (make-editor "aaaaa" "")

    and for aaaaa|aaa,     (make-editor "aaaaa" "aaa")

It's ok to use informal prose, which might use your own notation.  But
follow it up with the notation used in the programming language.

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