[racket] an "outer" macro toy

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at cs.wpi.edu)
Date: Tue Apr 3 15:24:46 EDT 2012

Thought this might amuse other folks; here is a sketch of what it can
look like to intentionally break lexical scoping in a controlled way.

#lang racket

;; Here's an implementation of an "outer" form that allows one to get
at the binding
;; outside of a current function definition.  For this to work, we
need special cooperation
;; from the function-building syntax.

(require racket/stxparam)

;; We keep track of the currently-expanding function.
(define-syntax-parameter current-scoped-fun #f)

;; The function form "fun" sets up a compile-time parameter that holds onto the
;; function.
(define-syntax (fun stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ ids body ...)
     (with-syntax ([fun-stx stx])
       (syntax/loc stx
         (syntax-parameterize ([current-scoped-fun #'fun-stx])
                              (lambda ids body ...))))]))

;; Finally, the "outer" form can use the current-scoped-fun to
;; create a new syntax object that takes its lexical information from
;; the entry of the function.
(define-syntax (outer stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ id)
     (identifier? #'id)
     (datum->syntax (syntax-parameter-value #'current-scoped-fun)
                    (syntax-e #'id)

;; For example:
(define x 42)
(define g (fun (x)
               (displayln x)
               (displayln (outer x))))

;; When we call:

(g 17)

;; we'll see the normal lexical binding on the first line (17),
;; followed by the value of the outer binding on the second line (42).

To make "outer" work more like a declaration, where it affects the
rest of the scope of a function body, we can use an internal
define-syntax, and then things look even more hilarious:

#lang racket

;; Second toy "outer":
(require racket/stxparam)

(define-syntax-parameter current-scoped-fun #f)

(define-syntax (fun stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ ids body ...)
     (with-syntax ([fun-stx stx])
       (syntax/loc stx
         (syntax-parameterize ([current-scoped-fun #'fun-stx])
                              (lambda ids body ...))))]))

(define-syntax (outer stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ id)
     (identifier? #'id)
     (with-syntax ([outered-id
                    (datum->syntax (syntax-parameter-value #'current-scoped-fun)
                                   (syntax-e #'id)
       #'(define-syntax id
           (make-rename-transformer #'outered-id)))]))

;; For example:
(define x 42)
(define g (fun ()
               (let ([x 16])
                 (displayln x)
                 (let ()
                   (outer x)
                   (displayln x))
                 (displayln x))))

Anyway, just wanted to throw that out, since it helped me to
understand the role of the first argument to datum->syntax.

Posted on the users mailing list.