[racket] internal define in define
This subject came up a bit more than a year ago. One thing that I
mentioned at the time is that you can also imagine allowing definition
before any expression, and they'd get lumped with it, for example:
| (define counter-or-not
| (if zeros?
| (lambda () 0)
| (define n 0)
| (lambda () (set! n (add1 n)) n)))
| (if (> (define (square n) (* n n))
| (- (square x) (square y))
| 0)
| ...blah...)
but that has the obvious problem of being ambiguous (does the last `n'
definition have the `0' part in its scope?). The alternative is
something that Matthew mentioned later on a post to the dev list:
| More Internal-Definition Contexts
| ---------------------------------
| Internal definitions could be allowed in more places, such as
| (define f
| (define x 2)
| x)
| In principle, where a single expression is expected, definitions could
| be allowed to precede the expression.
| It's a tempting generalization, but probably too confusing. I think
| it's better to use some form that groups definitions with an
| expression: `(let () ....)', `(block ....)', or something like that.
But IMO the difference between (let () ...) and (block ...) is
negligible. (The `block' form has the advantage of not relying on an
obscure idiom that is abusing `let', but still as far as writing code
goes, it's a minor difference.)
Yet another option that I mentioned was:
| (+ 1 { n = 8
| (sqr x) = (* x x)
| (sqr n) })
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!