[racket] online check syntax error display tweak
>>> That would be great too. Emacs uses C-x ` for that.
>> How about a keystroke to jump to the place plus it colors things in
>> when you mouse over the right thingy in the right margin?
Eclipse uses C-. and C-, for next-error and previous-error.
Emacs also binds M-n to next-error (in addition to C-x `)
and M-p to previous-error.
On 9/9/2011 11:58 AM, Robby Findler wrote:
> I thought about that, but I didn't want it to overlap the text and I
> didn't want it to slide everything over to make space.
The margin might be just about large enough for a small unobtrusive
icon. I photoshopped an idea of what it might look like (attached).
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