[racket] Code compiled for version ~a, not ~a

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Sat Sep 17 21:39:41 EDT 2011

There could definitely be a bug where something is not comparing paths
properly somehow. If you can give me more help to reproduce the bug that
would be a big help.

To start I think just sending me the logging tool directory (and saying
where it was (collects, link?)) would probably help me make progress with
the specific thing below.


On Saturday, September 17, 2011, Guillaume Marceau <gmarceau at gmail.com>
>> Are these files in the collects tree or elsewhere?
> I have separate collects trees for each version.
> Occasionally, I do get the error in the collect tree for my git repo.
> Earlier today I did,
>  git pull
>  <compile src/workspc10>
>  ./raco setup -D
>  ./DrRacket
> and received the version error for
> collects/planet/private/compiled/resolver.zo, which suggests there
> might be a bug in raco.
>> drracket should be taking care of this for you (unless you turn off the
>> automatic compilation option).
> Sounds like the behavior I see is a bug then.
> Could it be the code that checks whether a directory is a subdirectory
> of another breaks under Windows?
> There is a different bug under Window I meant to report that might be
> related. If I set PLTCOLLECTS with forward slashes, a directory
> inclusion test somewhere returns #f instead of #t and I get the error:
>    $ echo $PLTCOLLECTS
>    c:\documents\collects;
>    $ export PLTCOLLECTS='c:/documents/collects;'
>    $ /c/Program\ Files/Racket-5.1.3/raco setup -l logging-tool
>    omitted-paths: given directory path is not in any collection root:
> #<path:c:\documents\collects\= Archive>
> If I use backslashes, the error goes away. DrRacket is not affected.
> It boots correctly with either forward or backslashes.
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