[racket] online check syntax error display tweak
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 10:48 PM, Robby Findler
<robby at eecs.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> I've changed how online check syntax reports errors. Instead of
> hilighting the source location in gold, it puts a little reddish thing
> in the right-hand margin where the error is. The goal is to make this
> less obtrusive in, say, lecture, but also to make it less painful for
> those among us who edit programs in such a way as to keep the parens
> always balanced.
> Let me know if you think it is an improvement or not
That sounds good, it is how IntelliJ Idea works. Basically on the
right side you've got little lines to notify of:
errors: red
warnings: yellow
todos: blue
white block: change (actually shows up on the left near the gutter but
not in it)
Here is an example:
To top it off there is a status "box" on the status bar, which just
shows the "health" of the file. In this example it is red, because
there are errors present.