[racket] Call racket with long code from racket
You could try something like this:
#lang racket
(require racket/system)
(display (port->string (car (process *(format "racket -e '~a' " '(+ 2 3))*
That is, quote your "long code" (in the case above (+ 2 3)) and pass it
through format.
Rodolfo Carvalho
On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 17:35, Niitsuma Hirotaka <hirotaka.niitsuma at gmail.com
> wrote:
> I am trying to call racket with long code from racket
> -----------
> #lang racket
> (require racket/system)
> (display (port->string (car (process "racket -e ' [long-code] ' "))))
> -----------
> But long-code contain " and ' .
> Thus
> (process "racket -e ' [long-long-code] ' "))
> does not work.
> How to call racket with long code ( contain " and ' ) from racket
> Saving long-code into file can not use. Because this is part of web
> application.
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