[racket] Basic Questions Regarding Macros

From: Marco Maggi (marco.maggi-ipsu at poste.it)
Date: Thu Sep 1 09:21:43 EDT 2011

Marco Maggi wrote:
> later  the  SYNTAX macro  visits  the  lexical context  searching
> left-to-right for a BINDING record *or* a PATTERN-VARIABLE record
> whose name is ?A, it finds it and so it returns what is needed to
> cause the macro to expand to the symbolic expression 1.

Sorry, rereading  this last  paragraph I spotted  errors, it
should be ?B in place of ?A and 2 in place of 1:

   later  the  SYNTAX   macro  visits  the  lexical  context
   searching  left-to-right  for  a  BINDING record  *or*  a
   PATTERN-VARIABLE record whose name is ?B, it finds it and
   so it returns what is needed to cause the macro to expand
   to the symbolic expression 2.

Marco Maggi

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