[racket] Scribble to GoogleCode Wiki
At Fri, 21 Oct 2011 23:31:56 +0100, José Lopes wrote:
> I am trying to generate GoogleCode's Wiki pages using a Scribble
> document as source.
> Which functions provided by the Scribble module I can use to write a
> program that reads a Scribble document and generates text output.
If I understand the question, the next version makes this easier by
providing the functionality of the `scribble' executable as a function:
Meanwhile, you can look at "collects/racket/run.rkt" to see how the
pieces are put together. Here's a stripped-down version of that
module's main function:
(require (prefix-in text: racket/text-render))
;; build-docs : list-of-part list-of-path path -> void
(define (build-docs docs fns dest)
(let ([renderer (new (text:render-mixin render%)
[dest-dir dest])])
(let* ([fp (send renderer traverse docs fns)]
[info (send renderer collect docs fns fp)]
[r-info (send renderer resolve docs fns info)])
(send renderer render docs fns r-info))))