[racket] Compiling a program with places

From: Ivanyi Peter (pivanyi at freemail.hu)
Date: Thu Oct 13 23:12:39 EDT 2011

Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> írta:
>At Thu, 13 Oct 2011 06:43:19 +0200 (CEST), Ivanyi Peter wrote:
>> I would like to experiment  with "places" in DrRacket. I have seen 
>> the examplein the manual and I understand it. I have tried to execute it in 
>> DrRacket but it says "no support".
>What platform and version are you using? Places should be enabled by
>default since 5.1.2 on most platforms.

I am on Windows XP and Version 5.1. But it seems I have to download a newer version.

>> My other (more 
>> important) question is how can I turn the example problem into 1 or 2 
>> executable. Is there any way for this?
>Are you looking at the example
> (let ([pls (for/list ([i (in-range 2)])
>               (dynamic-place "place-worker.rkt" &#39;place-main))])
>    (for ([i (in-range 2)]
>          [p pls])
>       (place-channel-put p i)
>       (printf "~a\n" (place-channel-get p)))
>    (map place-wait pls))
>and wondering how to replace the "place-worker.rkt" with something that
>works in an executable? Use `define-runtime-module-path&#39;.
>Another possibility is to use the `place&#39; form instead of
>`dynamic-place&#39;. The new Guide section (which I see is not linked as it
>should be from the Reference section) provides an example using

Thanks. I will try it and get back.

Peter Ivanyi

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