[racket] MysterX error message

From: Ben Goetter (goetter at mazama.net)
Date: Wed Nov 30 13:31:19 EST 2011

My first guess would be a damaged installation of AutoCAD.

Alternately, edit src/mysterx/mysterx.cxx and remove lines 4347 through 
4357 (helpfully bracketed by #ifndef _WIN64), then rebuild.  Worth a 
try, anyway.

On 11/29/2011 10:27 PM, José Lopes wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a 32 bit systems so both Racket and AutoCAD are 32 bits.
> I am retrieving the "Layers" property from the AutoCAD 
> "ActiveDocument" and both of these objects are "com-object".
> I can see the available methods in "Layers" using "com-methods".
> The method I want to invoke is actually the first one the list of 
> available methods and its name is "Add".
> I was thinking that perhaps AutoCAD registered all types necessary to 
> reach the "Layers" property but they forgot to register the type of 
> "Layers".
> Is that the problem?
> Regards,
> José
> On quarta-feira, 30 de Novembro de 2011 12:53:47, Ben Goetter wrote:
>> That is TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY, and it indicates a problem with the
>> registered typelib (or lack thereof). Precisely what object are you
>> retrieving? Are you using win32 mysterx, or win64? Is the retrieved
>> object win32, or win64?
>> On 11/28/2011 1:37 AM, José Lopes wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I am getting this error while using MysterX.
>>> "Failed to get direct interface for call to `Add', code = 80029C4A:
>>> Error loading type library/DLL."
>>> The error happens in the following context:
>>> - I am retrieving a COM object through the com-get-property.
>>> - Then I am trying to invoke the method "Add" on that COM object.
>>> Can anyone help me?
>>> Regards,
>>> José
>> -- 
>> José António Branquinho de Oliveira Lopes
>> 58612 - MEIC-A
>> jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt

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