[racket] typo in HtDP
On Nov 29, 2011, at 4:31 PM, David Van Horn wrote:
> On 11/29/11 4:28 PM, Jakub Hadam wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I claim there is a typo in the online version of HtDP:
>> Exercise 4.3.3, the first condition should be
>> [(<= n 1000) (* .040 n)]
>> instead of
>> [(<= n 1000) (* .040 1000)]
> Why? That's what's in the printed book too and it seems perfectly
> reasonable to me.
Well, it's a "what is the value of this expression?" exercise, so
technically it could have been anything. However, to solve the
intended problem of bank interest, Jakub is right: it should be (* .
040 n) in the first case (otherwise people would earn the same $40
interest on a deposit of a penny as on a deposit of $1000.)
Stephen Bloch
sbloch at adelphi.edu
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