[racket] Google Challenge

From: Wayne Iba (iba at westmont.edu)
Date: Wed Nov 23 16:26:39 EST 2011

Yes, sorry I'm responsible for that abomination of a "starter-package
starter".  Actually, I could blame Neil for the idea but I wont.  Two of my
students and I took the Common Lisp starter package and translated that,
with a few changes that brought it back closer to the ants.py approach.

The last bit is to set up a 'make' that creates an executable.  I have the
impression that that would be necessary to get approval from the
organizers.  I haven't had time do that or many of the other things I would
like with this.  If anybody wants to submit the enhancements for the
executable, we could move forward with getting the starter package included
on the official list.  (BTW, it currently does work running locally.)

--Wayne Iba
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