[racket] scribble: @verbatim inside macro
I want to write a macro in scribble that will output a `verbatim' but I keep getting an error about 'expected pre-content? got #<table>'. What should I do in the macro so that I can output verbatim? I tried various things other than `para' but none seem to work.
@(define-syntax-rule (my-example stuff)
@para{An example: @(verbatim stuff)})
@my-example{some stuff}
$ scribble --pdf main.scrbl
para: contract violation, expected: pre-content?, given: #<table>
contract from: <collects>/scribble/base.rkt, blaming:
(#:style (or/c style? string? symbol? #f))
(listof pre-content?)
at: <collects>/scribble/base.rkt:387.2