[racket] Got some trouble the the mysql-connect
Hi all:
I got some errors when using new (require db) module.
Here are the two errors:
1. io:read-null-terminated-bytes: internal error: communication problem (unexpected EOF)
2. parse-packet: internal error: communication problem (expected authentication ok packet)
The whole thing is like this:
1. write my code like this:
(require db)
(define sql-exp
(mysql-connect #:server "my sql server ip"
#:port 3306
#:database "name"
#:user "user"
#:password "password"))
2. when I run this code , I met my problems:
I have two mysql servers to connect, they are in different ips.
when use the code to connect 1 , I got Error 1:
io:read-null-terminated-bytes: internal error: communication problem (unexpected EOF)
Then I tried to connect server 2, I got another error:
parse-packet: internal error: communication problem (expected authentication ok packet)
3. other tries
After got the errors, I tried to connect a localhost server,
Like this :
(define test
(mysql-connect #:server "localhost"
#:port 3306
#:database "test"
#:user "root"))
It's OK and no error happens.
Then I tried this in a virtual machine like this
(define test
(mysql-connect #:server ""
#:port 3306
#:database "test"
#:user "root"))
It's OK , too.
Also I tried postgresql, it's OK , too.
Can you help me to figure out what's wrong when connecting my mysql server ?
Thanks very much!
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