[racket] editing racket code effectively
David Vanderson wrote at 11/15/2011 08:33 PM:
> - how to add temporary debugging statements
I usually use "log-debug" or "printf". See the documentation for how to
make "log-debug" appear if you're running outside of DrRacket.
> - how to temporarily comment out some code
Try "#;" to commend out a sexp.
> I always seem to be fighting to make sure the parens are balanced,
> both in DrRacket and Vim.[...] or try to use sexp-based editing?
Give sexp-based editor commands a try in DrRacket. Start with
Alt-LeftArrow, Alt-RightArrow, Alt-UpArrow, Alt-OpenParen, and
Alt-Delete. They are easy to add incrementally to your familiar ways of
editing text, and a big win.
Also, DrRacket should be giving you some visual cue for paren matching.
And, personally, I find it easier to match parentheses, rather than the
mix of parentheses and square brackets that some kids these days like to