[racket] DrRacket needs work

From: Stephen Bloch (bloch at adelphi.edu)
Date: Sun Nov 13 19:47:00 EST 2011

On Nov 13, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Raoul Duke wrote:

> apparently i can't higlight a sub-section of code and "run" just that.

In a typical Racket program, you define a bunch of new functions or macros, then use those to define other functions or macros, then use those to define other functions or macros, and then perhaps do something directly.

What would it mean if somebody highlighted the "do something directly" part and tried to "run" it without also running the definitions that it relies upon?

For that matter, what would it mean to "run" a section of code without also running the #lang line at the beginning of the file, and the "require"s?  What if some of those "require"s are actually dynamic-requires that depend on the execution of some previous code?

Stephen Bloch
sbloch at adelphi.edu
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