[racket] XREPL on Windows

From: Rodolfo Carvalho (rhcarvalho at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Nov 12 17:27:48 EST 2011

>> ...but it looks like it does try to load it for you.  Did you play
>> with the TERM environment variable by any chance?
> I don't have a TERM variable set, but I do have MINGW (Git Bash) installed.
> "racket -il xrepl" crashes both when run from plain CMD and from Git bash.
Maybe this helps:

On DrRacket:

Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.2 [3m].
Language: racket/base; memory limit: 64 MB.
> (terminal-port? (current-input-port))


Welcome to Racket v5.2.
> (terminal-port? (current-input-port))

On Git Bash:

$ racket
Welcome to Racket v5.2.
> (terminal-port? (current-input-port))
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