[racket] plot: HOLY MOLEY!
So, I've been plotting the frequency response of chebyshev filters, and I decided to try out the 3d plotting of the new plot:
(define chebyshev-fun (poles&zeros->fun chebyshev-poles '()))
(plot3d (surface3d (lambda (x y)
(magnitude (chebyshev-fun
(+ x (* i y))))))
#:x-min -1.0
#:x-max 1.0
#:y-min -1.0
#:y-max 1.0
#:z-max 100.0)
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Which is just absolutely amazing. But then, just on a total whim, I used the mouse to... grab and turn it ?!?? JAW DROPS OPEN HERE.
That was quite a shock. A good one!
Color me sold. I'm just wondering how soon I can show this off to my students.
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