[racket] (read) interactions

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Tue Nov 1 14:50:29 EDT 2011

It is possible, but the tricky part is figuring when they are done.
Right now, the box first appears when the program tries to read a
character (perhaps via a call to read-line, perhaps via a call to read
or read-syntax). It does seem possible to hide the box when a) there
is no data that the program hasn't read, still in the box and b) the
program has not tried to read any new data, but I worry about the case
where the box flickers as the user enters a line of data and then the
program processes that line a little bit before reading the next line.

Any ideas?


On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 12:32 AM, Richard Cleis <rcleis at mac.com> wrote:
> After a user enters information in the box that follows (read), a program prints progress lines until a task is complete. The entry box remains until the program finishes; it floats downward with the latest line.
> Is it possible to make the box disappear after the data entry is complete?
> rac
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