[racket] linking to planet packages in scribble?

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at cs.wpi.edu)
Date: Sat May 28 22:49:47 EDT 2011

I'm trying to fix the documentation for one of my projects (Moby) so
it has a hyperlink to another PLaneT package.  I tried something like

    ... @racketmodlink[(planet dyoo/js-vm)]{js-vm}  ...

However, when testing this out, I saw that I was getting runtime
warnings during raco setup:

raco setup: WARNING: undefined tag in <planet>/dyoo/moby.plt/3/10/manual.scrbl:
raco setup:  (mod-path "(planet dyoo/js-vm)")

and the hyperlink that displays is red, and unlinked, so I don't think
it worked.

Posted on the users mailing list.