[racket] Moby and Racket 5.1.1

From: Rodolfo Carvalho (rhcarvalho at gmail.com)
Date: Thu May 26 23:44:18 EDT 2011


I am trying to use Moby, following along the examples in the
documentation[1], but I am unable to get it to work.
Has anybody used it recently?

Running from DrRacket did not succeed, and from the terminal, after removing
moby.plt and js-vm.plt using raco planet remove -e, I get:

rodolfo at lisa:~/projects/racket-for-smartphones$ racket run-counter.rkt
private/translate-bytecode-structs.rkt:25:8: compile: unbound identifier in
module in: internal:indirect?
translate-bytecode-structs.rkt:25:8: compile: unbound identifier in module
in: internal:indirect?
default-load-handler: cannot open input file:
"/opt/racket/collects/unstable/scribble.rkt" (No such file or directory;
raco setup: error: during making for <planet>/dyoo/js-vm.plt/1/12 (js-vm)
raco setup:   private/translate-bytecode-structs.rkt:25:8: compile: unbound
identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
raco setup: error: during making for <planet>/dyoo/js-vm.plt/1/12/private
raco setup:   translate-bytecode-structs.rkt:25:8: compile: unbound
identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
raco setup: error: during Building docs for
raco setup:   default-load-handler: cannot open input file:
"/opt/racket/collects/unstable/scribble.rkt" (No such file or directory;
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
default-load-handler: cannot open input file:
"/opt/racket/collects/unstable/scribble.rkt" (No such file or directory;
raco setup: error: during making for <planet>/dyoo/moby.plt/3/9 (Moby)
raco setup:
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
raco setup: error: during making for <planet>/dyoo/moby.plt/3/9/js-vm
raco setup:
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
raco setup: error: during making for
raco setup:
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
raco setup: error: during making for <planet>/dyoo/moby.plt/3/9/src
raco setup:
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
raco setup: error: during making for <planet>/dyoo/moby.plt/3/9/src/android
raco setup:
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
raco setup: error: during making for
raco setup:
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?
raco setup: error: during Building docs for
raco setup:   default-load-handler: cannot open input file:
"/opt/racket/collects/unstable/scribble.rkt" (No such file or directory;
compile: unbound identifier in module in: internal:indirect?

 === context ===

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the end ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The attached code is taken from the documentation.

Any insight?


Rodolfo Carvalho

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