[racket] MysterX

From: José Lopes (jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt)
Date: Thu May 26 13:04:18 EDT 2011


We've been making changes to MysterX that we would like to see incorporated in Racket.
We don't know how many developers are currently using MysterX but we are and we critically
depend on it. At the moment, we would like to teach Racket in the context of generative
design, but due to the dependencies on our patched MysterX it is not enough for our students
to simply download and install Racket. On the other hand, forcing them to use a patched
Racket gives a bad impression.

Therefore, we would like to ask the following questions:

  - Who is currently responsible for maintaining MysterX?

  - Do you accept patches for MysterX?

Best regards,

José António Branquinho de Oliveira Lopes
58612 - MEIC-A
jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt

Posted on the users mailing list.