[racket] using syntax/modcode and make-base-namespace
On May 23, 2011, at 11:08 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> I think the problem is with the Matrix snip class, which has only a
> GUI-compatible implementation and not a non-GUI implementation.
There actually is a non-gui matrix implementation, which is why the whole thing is organized with units. BUT I probably didn't wire it up properly.
> To fix this pronlem, the Matrix snip class should be changed to set a
> different snip-class name to support non-GUI mode.
So how do I do that?
> In addition, to
> support old files, the old snip-class name #"(lib \"matrix.ss\"
> \"htdp\")" could be hardwired into the "wxme" collection, which handles
> snip reading in non-GUI mode.
> At Fri, 20 May 2011 11:45:53 -0400, Danny Yoo wrote:
>> I'm using syntax/modcode, and am running across an error that I don't
>> understand yet. Here's test code to demonstrate:
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> #lang racket
>> (require syntax/modcode)
>> (define collects-dir
>> (normalize-path
>> (let ([p (find-system-path 'collects-dir)])
>> (cond
>> [(relative-path? p)
>> (find-executable-path (find-system-path 'exec-file)
>> (find-system-path 'collects-dir))]
>> [else
>> p]))))
>> (void
>> (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
>> (get-module-code (build-path collects-dir "htdp" "tests"
>> "matrix-client.rkt"))))
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> I see the following error:
>> ##########################################################################
>> read-syntax: cannot load snip-class reader: #"(lib \"matrix.ss\" \"htdp\")"
>> === context ===
>> /research/plt/software/racket/5.1.1/std/collects/wxme/wxme.rkt:382:2: find-class
>> /research/plt/software/racket/5.1.1/std/collects/wxme/wxme.rkt:208:2: read-snip
>> /research/plt/software/racket/5.1.1/std/collects/wxme/wxme.rkt:617:4: read-proc
>> /research/plt/software/racket/5.1.1/std/collects/mzlib/port.rkt:167:4:
>> do-read-it
>> /research/plt/software/racket/5.1.1/std/collects/lang/htdp-reader.rkt:13:4: loop
>> /research/plt/software/racket/5.1.1/std/collects/lang/htdp-reader.rkt:13:4: loop
>> /research/plt/software/racket/5.1.1/std/collects/wxme/wxme.rkt:695:2:
>> wxme-read-syntax
>> /research/plt/software/racket/5.1.1/std/collects/syntax/modcode.rkt:47:8
>> /research/plt/software/racket/5.1.1/std/collects/syntax/modcode.rkt:79:2: core
>> ##########################################################################
>> Am I misusing it?
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