[racket] debugging core dump - comments appreciated
Matthew Flatt wrote at 05/23/2011 05:19 PM:
> At Mon, 23 May 2011 14:51:19 -0400, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
>> The first PLT internals question I expect to look into is whether, in
>> the stack tace, "require"s are still being processed (by which I mean
>> evaluation has not yet proceeded into the non-"require" body of the main Scheme file).
> Yes. It looks like evaluation is four `require's deep (not counting the original module). By looking at `menv->module->name' in frame 353, you might be able to tell which module is being run.
Scheme_Object 0x7fff2f7adc30 type=147 Scheme_Object 0x7fff2f7c8580
type=45 scheme_unix_path_type $5 = 0x7fff2f7bbd40
During loading of that module is not an unlikely time for
"integer_to_char" to be called, too.
That's a disappointingly innocuous-looking module. And, from what I've
found so far, the dependency graph on that module doesn't directly
implicate a less-innocuous module.
I have another question: At some point, the Scheme application code does
an "eval" of a file, and that file has "require"s, which likely pull in
that SRFI-14 module indirectly (just like the code that does the
"eval"). Can you tell from the stack trace whether or not we are
evaluating such an "eval"?
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