[racket] toy graphical list editor

From: Marijn (hkBst at gentoo.org)
Date: Mon May 23 10:04:24 EDT 2011


I'm trying to implement a toy graphical list editor program to get a
feel for GUI programming in racket. Basic idea is a graphical
representation of a list with text-field%s alternated with buttons to
insert items and on the side of each text-field% a button to remove that
item. When the program is destroyed it should print the constructed list
on the console (when started from one). My understanding so far calls
for a doubly-linked list to hold the items (and their graphical
manifestation), although this seems very unlispy... Is there a better way?

Sample code showing graphical layout and rudimentary functioning of the
program is attached.

Side-question: why does pressing an insert-button resize the top-level

Any help appreciated,


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