[racket] Fwd: URLs in slideshows

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Wed May 18 19:15:41 EDT 2011

Sorry, I overlooked this question before:

At Tue, 17 May 2011 12:44:06 -0300, Rodolfo Carvalho wrote:
> Well, not that I am in the need, but how would I go about to make clickable
> URLs in PDF files?
> If that is possible, then I could (try to) write something like (url "
> http://racket-lang.org" "Racket home") that does its best to work in both
> cases :)

Slideshow cannot currently create links in PDF output. More generally,
Racket's direct-to-PDF drawing context doesn't support hyperlinks, and
I can't tell whether the underlying Cairo toolbox supports them.

Scribble can generate links in PDF output, but that's because it goes
through Latex.

Posted on the users mailing list.