[racket] a couple of trivial Scribble questions

From: Prabhakar Ragde (plragde at uwaterloo.ca)
Date: Sun May 15 22:25:10 EDT 2011

On 5/15/11 9:44 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

> Yes, Check Syntax should be there. More importantly, you should see
> buttons to generate HTML and PDF.
> If you open the document source again in DrRacket, do the buttons
> appear? Does editing and reverting the `#lang' line make them appear?

That did it. Thanks. I should have realized that it would be bound to 
the #lang line, not the file extension.

> I've added a `#:date' argument to `title', so you can write
>   @title[#:date ""]{On the Cookie-Eating Habits of Mice}
> with the very latest from the git repo.
> For any earlier version, use
>    @(require scribble/core)
>    @(make-paragraph (make-style 'pretitle '())
>                     (make-element "date" ""))

Thanks. I was trying to use make-element but I couldn't get the binding. 
I guess I assumed that scribble/core was loaded by scribble/base, 
without actually checking. --PR

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