[racket] module-path-index and self-paths

From: Ryan Culpepper (ryanc at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed May 11 01:31:33 EDT 2011

I can't speak to why module-path-index-resolve doesn't work, but as a 
workaround you might try using resolve-module-path-index from the 
syntax/modresolve library (yes, just shuffle the verb to the front). It 
takes a path to use as the self module, so it seems like it should avoid 
the problem you're seeing.


On 05/10/2011 10:26 PM, Danny Yoo wrote:
> I'm trying to trace down a bug in my code down to a user of
> module-path-index-resolve.  I'm somehow getting a hold of a
> module-path-index with the following structure:
>      (module-path-index-join "private/base.rkt"
>                                        (module-path-index-join #f #f))
> When given this, module-path-index-resolve errors out and says:
>      module-path-index-resolve: "self" index has no resolution:
> #<module-path-index>
> I'm trying to figure out if I'm misusing module-path-index-resolve.  I
> am getting this particular module path index by zo-parsing
> collects/racket/base.rkt and looking into its phase-0 requires.
> Here is code to demonstrate where the value is coming from:
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> #lang racket
> (require racket/match
>           compiler/zo-parse)
> (define (run-zo-parse path)
>    (parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)]
>                   [read-accept-reader #t]
>                   [current-directory
>                    (let-values ([(base file is-dir)
>                                  (split-path path)])
>                      base)])
>      (let ([bc (compile (read (open-input-file path)))]
>            [op (open-output-bytes)])
>        (write bc op)
>        (zo-parse (open-input-bytes (get-output-bytes op))))))
> ;; Splits up a module path index into its components.
> (define (explode-module-path-index mpi)
>    (let-values ([(x y) (module-path-index-split mpi)])
>      (cond
>        [(module-path-index? y)
>         (cons x (explode-module-path-index y))]
>        [else
>         (list x y)])))
> (match (run-zo-parse (build-path (find-system-path 'collects-dir)
>                                   "racket"
>                                   "base.rkt"))
>    [(struct compilation-top (_
>                              _
>                              (struct mod (_ _ _ _ _ requires _ _ _ _ _ _ _))))
>     (for ([phase-and-paths requires])
>       (when (equal? (car phase-and-paths) 0)
>         (displayln (map explode-module-path-index (cdr phase-and-paths)))))])
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> The second element in the list value that displays:
>      ((racket/private/pre-base #f) (private/base.rkt #f #f))
> is the module-path-index that I don't quite know how to resolve into a
> nice resolved-module-path.
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