[racket] Renaming accessor
Thank you.
On 10-05-2011 14:43, Jay McCarthy wrote:
> struct doesn't support that directly. You'd have to just do
> (define gimme-the-x posn-x)
> I wrote "super-struct" a while back that does that and a lot more:
> https://github.com/jeapostrophe/exp/blob/master/sstruct.ss
> https://github.com/jeapostrophe/exp/blob/master/sstruct-tests.ss
> There may be a little bit rot though.
> Jay
> 2011/5/10 José Lopes<jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt>:
>> Hello,
>> How can I rename accessors of structure fields?
>> Regards,
>> José
>> --
>> José António Branquinho de Oliveira Lopes
>> 58612 - MEIC-A
>> jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt
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José António Branquinho de Oliveira Lopes
58612 - MEIC-A
jose.lopes at ist.utl.pt