[racket] Building on Mac OS X 10.7 Lion (Developer Preview 3)
From: Elliott Cable (me at ell.io)
Date: Mon May 9 23:26:31 EDT 2011 |
(Replies to Flatt and Tobin-Hochstadt are below.)
So, I’ve discovered that the git repository (at the `v5.1.1` tag) will
simply *not build* for me on Lion; whereas the *downloaded*
source-code distribution (distributed as a DMG, labeled as the ‘v5.1.1
macintosh source’) works fine. This is why Homebrew is failing; the
exact configuration options that the Homebrew script wants work fine
with the source-code distribution, but not within the git repository.
Furthermore, the most basic `../configure --disable-places
--disable-futures && make && make install` works with the distribution
DMG, but not with git. What sort of differences might there be between
`v5.1.1` git-tag and the v5.1.1 source-code distribution?
I discovered this last night, but failed to capture output; when I
have the ~40 minutes it takes later today, I’ll build and capture
respective outputs for you guys.
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 8:31 AM, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <samth at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Elliott Cable <me at ell.io> wrote:
>> Great advice! Okay, success in building v5.1.1 release with those two
>> flags; but no luck with building latest git (@f60f234) *without* those
>> flags. So, whatever fix you pushed hasn’t fixed all of the issues
>> *yet*.
>> Here’s the stdout from building @f60f234: https://gist.github.com/962027
> Have you tried this with gcc instead of clang? The error there seems
> to be a clang problem.
I’ll have to install gcc; I’ll try that later today and get back to you guys.
On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
>> (FYI, I’m trying to get it also building under Homebrew, where it
>> currently fails. That isn’t y’all’s problems, but here’s the GitHub
>> issue anyway: http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/issues/5408)
> At the point where the doc build fails, is libcairo installed? Is it
> being accessed by Racket using the right name?
> Here's a list of library dependencies for `racket/draw', which is used
> by some documentation:
> http://docs.racket-lang.org/draw/libs.html
I’m not too familiar with how dylibs are organized/found/handled. I
have no idea how or if racket can/should find libcairo. If you give me
some commands to run to debug that, though, I will; just remember that
Homebrew’s environment is a bit weird compared to what a lot of you
more UNIX-y devs are used to. I can probably get that sorted out with
help from the Homebrew peeps, as long as we can get Racket itself
building from source by hand over here. (FWIW, `brew list` includes
cairo, and