[racket] Fix for dherman/json

From: David Herman (dherman at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Mon May 2 03:26:09 EDT 2011

PS And yes, I freaking *loathe* Trac.

On Apr 30, 2011, at 4:54 AM, Neil Van Dyke wrote:

> Jakub Piotr Cłapa wrote at 04/30/2011 07:09 AM:
>> I am afraid we are on our own:
> dherman is active; he just posted a new major version of a different PLaneT package yesterday, for example.
> The bug reports on PLaneT are easy to overlook.  (Personally, I have mixed feelings about bug reports there.  In addition to reports being easy to overlook, it's yet another system I have to hassle with.  Plus it permits anonymous bug reports, and I have already had headache from a seemingly major problem that couldn't be reproduced after considerable effort, then the submitter couldn't be contacted for more info.  I wish I could turn it off for my packages, so that people would just email me instead.)
> BTW, if you happen to be parsing large JSON, you might also want to try "http://www.neilvandyke.org/racket-json-parsing/".  I'd like to get feedback on the folding approach from a few people, so that I can refine the approach before using it in XML and other libraries.
> -- 
> http://www.neilvandyke.org/
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