[racket] newbie string handling problem
Two minutes ago, Charles Hixson wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to determine whether the last non-whitespace
> character of a string is a colon, and I haven't been able to figure
> out the best way of doing this. In python I'd just trim the string
> and look at the character before the end, but while Racket seems to
> have a string-length function, it doesn't seem to have anything
> analogous to trim. So how should it be done?
Try this:
(define (last-non-ws str)
(cond [(regexp-match #px"(\\S)\\s*$" " \t") => cadr]
[else #f]))
then see the docs about regexps and this use of `cond'.
> The best I've come up with is to explode the string into a list of
> characters, and handle it that way, but that's clearly quite
> wasteful of both processing and RAM.
(Right -- and IIRC, it's also a problem with trimming the string.)
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
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