[racket] Writing web applications in SHP.
Hi Levi -
Have you had a chance to look at my blog posts on SHP?
http://weblambda.blogspot.com/2009/08/introducing-shp-01-sheme-hypertext.html -
how to setup a site
also include a section on using Javascript & CSS
Basically -
1. as an s-expression, specifically xexpr
2. Use JSMGR, and setup /js & /css; then within your shp script - link to
the js & css via (script* "script1.js" ...) and (css* "css1.css" ...)
3. Follow the example site that comes with SHP (you can find this under
the planet cache directory)
There are other posts on the blog that covers both the design and the usage
of the code. Obviously they can use more improvements too - so definitely
let me know if you have more questions and/or finding deficiencies.
On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 7:33 AM, Levi Campbell <levicc00123 at gmail.com>wrote:
> I'm working on a startup that allows people to search for music by
> title, artist, lyrics, rhythm, beat, and more; And I've chosen Racket
> as my language for this project using the SHP web framework and I have
> a few questions that I'm having a hard time finding answers to
> searching google and the mailing list archive,
> 1. How should I create the homepage, as a regular HTML file or as a
> S-expression?
> 2. How should ECMAScript and CSS be integrated?
> 3. How should files be laid out when I'm ready to upload to a server?
> Advice, guidelines to consider, and useful links are also appreciated,
> thank you for your time.
> --
> Levi Campbell <levicc00123 at gmail.com>
> GPG key ID: 7710A5E7
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