[racket] Trying to submit Racket to Floss Weekly

From: bill robertson (billrobertson42 at gmail.com)
Date: Thu Mar 24 22:42:46 EDT 2011


I've recently discovered Racket, and I think its incredible.  I feel
its kind of a shame that more people don't seem to know about it so I
thought I would submit it to Floss Weekly, http://twit.tv/FLOSS.  He
asked me to provide contact information for a project lead.  I'm not
sure who that would be, and in any case I think its appropriate to ask
permission to do that first.

Also, if you think there's something interesting that a noob like me
wouldn't know, and would like to pass on to catch their interest
(there's quite a queue of projects
http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pYAJMbVobYCTro_z4LGo3ZQ ),
please let me know and I would be happy to pass that on.

Thanks for all your hard work!

Posted on the users mailing list.