[racket] Help needed in writing Macro to transform (lambda (req) ....) to be used in web-server/servlet using auth cookies
Hello again,
I am guessing my problem calls for macro (which is "beyond my pay
scale") and I am hoping this is the right place.
Anyway, after reading this
I am led to believe that I will be writing lots of code like this:
(define (some-sensitive-content req)
(if (user-is-legit req) ;check auth cookie
(...what have you ...)
(do-login-and-then-maybe-handle req)))
So here is my first attemp at macro which sorta works:
(define-syntax (guarded-handler stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ name body)
#'(begin (define (name req)
(if (user-is-legit req)
(ask-login req))))]))
(guarded-handler gated-content
`(html (head (title "Gated Content"))
(body (p "Shhhhhhh")
(a ([href "/logout "])
What I would really like, however, is
(guard (lambda (req) ...)) to transformed to:
(lambda (req)
(if (user-is-legit req)
(...what have you ...)
(do-login-and-then-maybe-handle req)))
such that I can use it like:
(define (count-dot-com i)
(λ (embed/url)
(head (title "Count!"))
(body (h2 (a ([href ,(embed/url
(guard (λ (req)
(sub1 i))))])
(define (count-dot-com i)
(λ (embed/url)
(head (title "Count!"))
(body (h2 (a ([href ,(embed/url
(guard (λ (req)
(count-dot-com (sub1 i))))])
in addition to the first case like this:
(define gated-content
(guard (lambda (req) ...))
Seems simple enough but my naive macros (not shown here to protect my
fragile ego) are failing.
Any help/suggestion is greatly appreciated.