[racket] regexp-match-evt and file-position
Thanks for the report!
I think the bug is more specifically in the implementation of
`port-commit-peeked' for some kinds of ports, since the following
program also has the wrong result:
#lang racket/base
(define-values (in out) (make-pipe))
(display "12345" out)
(peek-bytes 3 0 in)
(port-commit-peeked 3 (port-progress-evt in) always-evt in)
(file-position in)
Offhand, I don't see why pipe ports are broken while string and file
ports work. I should be able to fix it soon in the source repo, though,
and maybe I can find a workaround for v5.1.1.
At Sat, 11 Jun 2011 06:53:37 +0100, Milo Arvidsson wrote:
> In the following program, (sync (regexp-match-evt #rx"^..." in)) returns
> '(#"123") but (file-position in) returns 0 instead of 3:
> #lang racket/base
> (require racket/port)
> (define-values (in out) (make-pipe))
> (display "12345" out)
> (sync (regexp-match-evt #rx"^..." in))
> (file-position in)
> That means there's a problem with regexp-match-evt, right? It means
> regexp-match-evt is not updating the input port's position following a
> successful match.
> If you append (read-char in) (file-position in) to this program, read-char will
> return #\4 and file-position will return 1.
> Anyway, regexp-match-evt introduces this problem when used with input ports
> returned by make-pipe, tcp-connect and tcp-accept, but it works fine with the
> input port returned by open-input-string. I looked at the definition of
> regexp-match-evt in collects/mzlib/ports.rkt but I can't identify the problem.
> (I'm using Racket v5.1.1 on Windows)