[racket] please help to change vector to list
Whast you describe seems correct.
How about showing me yoyur code after deleting vector->list?
If this is HOMEWORK, send it OFF LIST.
What language did you use?
From: users-bounces at racket-lang.org [mailto:users-bounces at racket-lang.org]
On Behalf Of Yingjian Ma
Sent: 02 June 2011 08:45
To: users at racket-lang.org
Subject: [racket] please help to change vector to list
I have this code
(define test
(lambda (x v)
(define helper
(lambda (ls)
((empty? ls) '())
((empty? (rest ls)) '())
((equal? (second ls) x) (cons (first ls) (helper (rest ls))))
(else (helper (rest ls))))))
(helper (vector->list v))))
When I run it with
> (test 'a #(b a c a))
it returns
'(b c)
Is there a way to use the list such as (test 'a '(b a c a))? I tried to
delete vector->list from the last line of the code, but it did not work.
Thanks a lot
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